(MF, nc, blkmail, intr)Ībby Was Next - by Rose Eastmann - A mother is raped by her 13 year old daughter's boyfriend, there are drugs and pain involved and Abigail the youngest daughter was next! (MFf, ped, nc, rp, v, intr, drugs)Ībducted Bride - by Pixnix Author - What a hell of a way to spend a honeymoon, he had reason to think. (MF, wife, cheat, intr, rom, preg)Ī Bad African Experience - by Savvas - June and Ray accept a two year contract in Nigeria with great anticipation and excitement, but end up regretting their decision. (F/m-teen, ped, inc, mast, oral, intr)Ī Baby For Elise - by Elise - A buried lust resurfaces and I suffer the consequences. (FF/M-teen, inc, underage, oral, intr)Ī Baby Boy For Mom - by Daddy4girls55 - A mother is caught with a black man by her son, who seems to need some loving too. (M+/F, exh, sm, intr, size, wife, cheat, orgy)Ĥ20 - by Byhdm303lj - A mother and her lesbian lover try to help her son solve a small problem with his sex life. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staffġ969 - by Thexxxee - A liberated female of 1969 stretches her horizons and just about everything else when she becomes a Jezebel for a group of African graduate and post graduate students who are studying at a Midwest USA university. The Kristen Archives are a free erotic story resource for consenting adults. The Kristen Archives - Just Interracial Stories